safety medical

Naproxen Dosage

General Guidelines

The naproxen dosage that you should take for any given situation varies depending on the severity of the pain and the other medications that you may be taking. Discussing the naproxen dosage that is right for your individual situation with your physician, or at the very least your pharmacist, will make sure that a naproxen overdose does not occur. The most common dosages are naproxen 375 mg tablets and naproxen 500mg tablets. It is also important to be aware of the difference between the controlled-release and fast acting varieties so that you can minimize the chance of naproxen overdose.

For most disorders and ailments you will want to consider two separate types of naproxen dosage: the initial to combat the immediate pain and a maintenance dose to help reduce the chronic pain. It is extremely important that you use the following information as a guideline only and discuss this with your physician before consuming any medication, as there are serious side effects including naproxen overdose.

Initial Naproxen Dosage

For most disorders the adult naproxen dosage for acute pain is 250 mg to 600 mg twice a day. This translates to two naproxen 375 mg tablets or two naproxen 500mg tablets once a day as needed. This naproxen dosage should not be maintained for more than a few days and should include a discussion with your physician and pharmacist so that you can avoid a naproxen overdose.

Maintenance Naproxen Dosage

For anyone that is not suffering from circulatory or heart and digestive or intestinal issues, the adult naproxen dosage for maintenance of up to a couple months is a maximum of 1000 mg a day. This translates into 2.5 naproxen 375 mg tablets or two naproxen 500mg tablets once a day. The naproxen dosage can also be split for a more even dosage to consume the same number of total tablets split into two times (i.e. taking one naproxen 500mg tablet twice a day). To make sure that naproxen overdose does not occur, it is vital to discuss any medication that you are going to be taking especially for a prolonged period of time.

Naproxen Overdose and Special Precautions

It is extremely important to follow the guidelines that your doctor and pharmacist tell you to reduce the side effects and limit the possibility of naproxen overdose. If you suspect a naproxen overdose seek immediate medical attention. For the elderly, children, and anyone with circulatory or digestive ailments, it is vital to only take a naproxen dosage that is supervised and prescribed by a doctor.

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