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Remeron (Mirtazapine) for Sleep

Remeron (mirtazapine) is a drug most typically used for the treatment of depression. It belongs to the class of drugs known as NaSSAs or noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants. Due to its structure it also is categorized within the class of drugs called tetracyclic antidepressants or TeCAs. It primarily effects the levels of serotonin and noradrenalin within the brain. Due to its action upon these neurotransmitters it has also been found to be effective in treating sleep disorders. This is due to it often producing a sedative effect in many who take it. It is mainly used to treat cases of insomnia that are linked to depression or other mental disorders such as anxiety.

Remeron sleep effects

The main effect that Remeron (mirtazapine) has that promotes sleep is its ability to cause sedation. Many have found that mirtazapine has a sweet spot for promoting the largest amounts of sedation. This varies from patient to patient. In addition to causing sedation taking mirtazapine for sleep can help by reducing anxiety. One of the leading causes of insomnia is anxiety which can lead to a pounding heart or racing thoughts making it difficult to fall asleep. With Remeron's ability to alleviate these symptoms many find their ability to sleep improves when taking this medication. Mirtazapine may also help with insomnia through its ability to alleviate symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue. Remeron is most effect in treating insomnia that is related to depression as it primarily functions as an antidepressant drug with sedative side effects. For this reason those that experience insomnia that is not related to depression or anxiety may not find mirtazapine as effective as other medications in treating their insomnia.

Remeron sleep side effects

Though for the majority of patients prescribed Remeron it helps greatly with their insomnia. In rare cases it has been shown to actually cause insomnia. This can be due to a wide variety of factors. For some it may be due to Remeron not adequately treating their depression which can lead to insomnia as a side effect of depression. Many users report Remeron working well for depression and sleep for a period of time, then abruptly stopping to work. This can trigger severe cases of insomnia if experienced. Some who are prescribed mirtazapine for sleep also report vivid and frightening dreams after taking the medication before sleeping. In rare cases it may also induce sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is harmless from a medical aspect, but it can be deeply frightening to those that it effects.

Remeron sleep dosage

As everyone’s body reacts differently to different amounts of medications the dosage used to treat insomnia for Remeron can vary. Usually dosages for the treatment of sleep will start at 15mg. Depending on the situation this will be taken multiple times a day or just once before bed. Many users report 15mg of Mirtazapine being effective in promoting sleep and causing sedation. If 15mg does not seem to be working doctors may increase the dosage in increments of 15mg. Some patients report the feelings of sedation to diminish as the dosage is increased however. With higher doses there is also an increased risk of adverse side effects developing.

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