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Seroquel Dosage (Quetiapine 50 mg, 100 mg)

Seroquel is an antipsychotic drug that is utilised in the management of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. When used for these conditions, it is prescribed in varying doses depending upon the requirement of the patient. Doses have to be carefully monitored by the treating health care professional as overdose can result in side-effects and can be dangerous to patient’s health. Similarly, giving too low a dose can make Seroquel ineffective.

In this article, we shall briefly review the dosage of Seroquel in different clinical conditions. Please note that while these doses are just recommendations, they are in no way a replacement for expert medical advice and it is strongly recommended that patients always see a medical professional before taking Seroquel.

Seroquel dosage forms

Seroquel is primarily available in the form of tablets. Current doses include 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg and 400 mg tablets.

Seroquel (quetiapine) dosage for schizophrenia

In adult schizophrenia, Seroquel is started at a dose of 25 mg twice a day. This is gradually increased to a dose of 400 mg over a few days depending upon the response. Similarly, in schizophrenia that affects adolescents, a more gradual increase in the dosage from 25 mg twice a day to a total of 400 mg is done. Sometimes, doses may be divided and administered three times a day instead.

Sometimes, Seroquel is also used in the maintenance therapy following initial treatment stage of schizophrenia. Doses can range from 400 mg to 800 mg per day. Doses do not exceed 800 mg a day.

Seroquel (quetiapine) dosage for bipolar disorder

In adults with bipolar disorder, a total dose of 100 mg is administered on the first day following which the dose is gradually increased over four days to a total of 400 mg. Similarly, in children, a small dose of 25 mg twice a day is the starting dose and over a period of time, this is gradually increased.

While the above doses are the ones that are administered in patients with predominant mania in bipolar disorder, in patients with bipolar depression, the starting dose of 50 mg is administered once a day at bedtime. Over a period of four days, this is increased to a 300 mg dose at bedtime. Maintenance dosage for bipolar disorders range between 400 to 800 mg a day and the maximum dose is no more than 800 mg per day.

Dose changes depending upon underlying illnesses

In patients taking Seroquel, additional factors need to be taken into consideration when prescribing a dose. For example, in elderly patients, a lower dose may be administered instead of the regular dosage. In patients who have some form of liver disease, a low dose is started and this is gradually increased in depending on how the patient tolerates the medication.

Before taking Seroquel, always consult the health care practitioner regarding the appropriate dosage.

Seroquel is a commonly used antipsychotic agent that has clinical applications in bipolar disorders and schizophrenia. Doses vary depending upon the age of the patient and the clinical condition and must be gradually titrated according to the individual response.

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