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Diflucan (Fluconazole) for Yeast Infection

Fluconazole i.e. Diflucan (trade name) is an antifungal agent that is used in the management of different fungal infections. Yeast infections are common in individuals of all ages and can be rather annoying when they occur. Diflucan is an effective treatment for yeast infections and in this article, we shall talk about this aspect of fluconazole in the little more detail.

Yeast infections

There are different kinds of yeast infections can affect individuals though they appear to be more common in women. In particular, Canada albicans is a common yeast infection that can cause itching and irritation in the area where it affects the patient. Yeast infections can affect the oral cavity, food pipe, throat and vagina (in women) and genital area in men and women. In addition, yeast infections can occur within the brain as well causing meningitis.

In patients who have low levels of immunity (such as individuals who suffer from AIDS or who are receiving chemotherapy for cancer), yeast infections are rather common as the body loses its innate ability to fight them off. These clinical conditions require the use of fluconazole.

How is Diflucan used in yeast infections?

Diflucan is available in tablet or oral suspension form. It is administered as a once-a-day dose though sometimes a one-off dose is sufficient. In mild cases of yeast infections, a single dose of fluconazole can relieve the symptoms within a day though sometimes it may take a little longer in patients who have more serious infections with underlying low immunity levels.

But the use of Diflucan in managing yeast infections is not just for treatment purposes alone. There is plenty of scientific evidence and published clinical research that advocates the use of Diflucan long-term in prevention of fungal infections in patients who are at high risk of developing them. In particular, they are useful in managing yeast infections in critically ill patients admitted to the intensive care unit.

Diflucan dosage in yeast infections

In patients with vaginal candidiasis, Diflucan is administered as a single dose of 150 mg. In patients with yeast infections of the food pipe and oral cavity, the starting dose is 200 mg on the first day followed by 100 mg daily for a period of up to 2 weeks. In individuals who have yeast infections with in the blood stream, higher doses are required which can range from 200 mg to 400 mg per day.

Diflucan is also used in management of yeast infections that affect the brain and urinary tract. Higher doses are required for meningitis and start off at 400 mg per day followed by 200 mg once-a-day for up to 3 months. Any urinary infections, the dose is smaller and ranges from 50 mg to 200 mg per day for 5 to 7 days.

Please note that these doses are only a recommendation and not a substitute for expert medical advice. Any medication taken must be done so upon prescription by a registered health care practitioner.

Diflucan is a useful drug in the management of yeast infections. The time it takes for Diflucan to treat yeast infections varies and depends upon the severity of the illness. Doses also vary accordingly.

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