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Levaquin (Levofloxacin) Uses

Levaquin i.e. levofloxacin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic that is using the treatment of bacterial infections. It belongs to the fluoroquinolone group of drugs and has a wide range of clinical applications. In this article, we shall briefly review the uses of Levaquin.

What is a Levaquin used for?

Firstly, it is important to recognise that patients taking antibiotics and a regular basis may develop resistance to the antibiotics if they are prescribed over and over again. It is therefore strongly recommended that patients only take antibiotics if it is prescribed by their health care professional and if the benefits of the treatment outweigh the risks.

Before starting Levaquin, it is not uncommon for patients to undergo a special blood test known as a blood culture. A blood culture test can demonstrate the presence of organisms and can detect whether or not that organism will respond to Levaquin. Similarly, in patients with urinary tract infections, Levaquin is useful if the organism that has cost infection is a responsive or sensitive to Levaquin.

Some other clinical conditions that Levaquin is using include –

  1. Sinusitis - This refers to inflammation and infection of the sinuses that lie within the skull. This is often seen in patients who have an increased propensity of developing allergic reactions. Sinusitis can be quite painful and taking Levaquin can help relieve the symptoms and the infection.
  2. Pneumonia - Pneumonia is an infection in the chest that is visibly seen on a chest x-ray. Levaquin is commonly prescribed in the management of community-acquired pneumonias. The duration of therapy varies though in most cases it is prescribed for five days or so.
  3. Skin infections such as cellulitis often respond well to Levaquin.
  4. Acute exacerbation of chronic lung disease - individuals who are long-term smokers or those who have chronic lung disease are at high risk of developing infections from staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. In such patients, Levaquin can effectively treat the infection.
  5. Urinary tract infections (UTI) - These are commonly seen in elderly patients and levofloxacin prescribed for a period of 5 to 7 days can effectively clear bacteria such as E. coli.
  6. Kidney infections - Levaquin is useful in the management of kidney infections which often occur due to spread of infection from the bladder up to the kidney. The organisms that cause kidney infections tend to be the same as those that cause urinary tract infections.

While it is extremely rare, Levaquin is beneficial in the management of plague and inhalational anthrax. These infections are extremely uncommon these days and as such the requirement of Levaquin for these clinical indications is rarely seen.

Levaquin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic that has a wide variety of clinical applications in different infections affecting different parts the body. The treatment is safe and effective and is prescribed in varying doses depending upon the clinical condition being treated.

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